Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daily Outfit: Moody Monday

I thought my low would pass overnight, but I woke up on Monday morning still feeling flat. I thought of my tried and tested remedies: bike riding, sunshine, libraries, good food... and combined all of them into a morning ride to the library and sushi for lunch.

Trial#1 of the Glowworm!

I've been told before that my neutral face is an angry one. I've become aware of it lately, as I listen intensely to conversation (I'm a bit deaf - too much metal.) I feel my face screwing up and wrinkles forming. It's not attractive. I'm going to make a conscious effort to relax my facial muscles, and adopt a pleasant neutral face. Although this risks making me look really, really vacant.


  1. We have two fans of the glowworm! Adds interesting texture. I'll have to see what more I can make of it!
