Friday, September 3, 2010

Just a Minute in August

I think August just might be the most difficult month of the year in the Southern hemisphere. You're just waiting for winter to end and the rain keeps coming down. I'm thankful that I have wonderful friends and family to keep me smiling through these endless grey days.

Day of the Triffids (excellent! I love all the different titles my book club chooses), books in bed, endless websites for planning interesting lessons, Russell Brand's autobiography - dull as, my boyfriend's poems (less pretentious than it sounds, promise), French Teacher's conference materials, dinner menus, job vacancies.

Listening... to the endless rain. Over it.

Watching... Sunday night television on the couch with my mom, cheeky episodes of The Amazing Race when I get home from uni, mind-numbingly dull lectures, bands at the Gov, cows on a hill at my beachhouse, (terrifying) federal election results, film adaptations.

Buying... medication and school lunches.

Wanting... more sleep - I'm staying up till 1 or 2 every night planning/marking, nice weather (I get the feeling that I've mentioned how much weather affects my mood on here before..), plans for next year to make themselves clear, Uni to be over for good, some time away with the manfriend.

Making... awesome lesson plans! Progress in my teaching! Friends at work! Ridiculous to-do lists (and crossing them off)! Music at band! Travel plans!

Loving... completing projects, furry times with furry catso, time with my parents, family birthday parties, time with the manfriend, dinners with girlfriends, friday afternoon drinks, warm cinnamon doughnuts, milo in the mornings, the return of spring - now if only nice weather would follow, beautiful tulips outside the kitchen window, the music on TopGear, finding my old CDs, flannel sheets, reading hardcover books, nutritious school lunches, cheese and red wine, flowers in vases all around the house, the countdown till the end of the year.


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